Development Funds
Our Development Fund was set up following the 1979 Brier to support the development of curling in the Ottawa Valley. Fund capital came from the profits from the ‘79 and ’93 Briers.
Loans are made to assist with clubs’ capital projects such as replacing the roof over the ice surface, compressor replacement, header repairs or replacement and projects to reduce energy costs.
Income from the fund (interest, dividends etc.) and interest on outstanding loans to member clubs is used by the OVCA as operating revenue.
Clubs may apply for loans up to $50,000 at a rate of CIBC prime minus 1%, (rates set on January 31st of each year). Since its inception, approximately $1.2 million has been loaned to OVCA-member clubs under this program.
Development Fund Review Committee
The Development Fund Review Committee (DFRC) provides recommendations to the OVCA Board of Directors on the grant applications.
The Development Fund Review Committee is a standing advisory committee to the Board of Directors. Its recommendations are presented to the Board of Directors who may take them under advisement but are not bound by them.
The mandate of the Development Fund Review Committee is to:
Consider the OVCA Development Fund guidelines and policy in the consideration of all OVCA Club Development Fund Applications. The DFRC members will review, assess and make a final recommendation for the consideration of the Board with respect to the issuance of grants or loans to any member club;
Annually review and assess the effectiveness of the administrative and operational details of the DFRC and make recommendations to the Board for improvement; and
Annually review and maintain a “DFRC Candidate” listing to aid in the ongoing replenishment of the DFRC.